
HEMA Hair Dye - Natural Medium Brown


I had my first exam yesterday, and as I was walking home I felt a sudden urge to do something impulsive. So, I decided to buy some hair dye and dye my hair brown! Now, to be honest, it wasn't completely impulsive because I had been planning on doing this for a while now, I just didn't know when it was gonna happen yet. I loved having red hair and might go back to it one day, but I was kind of sick of it right now. It kept fading every time I washed it. I really love the vibrant copper look, but what I ended up with most of the time was a faded icky colour that just wasn't what I wanted. 

I've been wanting to try dark brown hair for such a long time! I've had black hair, but that was a little to harsh and made me look quite pale. I've also tried a lighter brown, which was nice, but it washed me out a little and didn't have the *pop* I generally look for in a hair colour. So this time, I wanted to do it right!

Since I am still in the middle of exams and (a) don't have time to go to the salon and (b) hate how the salon costs so much, I decided to dye it myself. I bought HEMA's 'Natural Medium Brown' hair dye, because I've had good experiences with the HEMA dyes before. So, I just popped it on, waited 30 minutes and tadaa!

It turned out quite dark actually. I suppose it will wash out and become gradually lighter, and then the red will start shining through again. I read a lot about people who complain about the redness in their hair when dying on top of red hair (which I personally think is pretty) but this dye covered it pretty well. It looks a teensy bit more red around my roots, because those had grown out and were lighter than the rest of my hair. Also, it looks really different depending on the light. In the evening it's really dark, but in the sun it's a very warm chestnut colour! 

Oh also, going from red to dark, kind of makes me feel like Willow gone dark! 

But don't worry, I'm still my dear sweet self. One of things I love most about dying my hair is how different it makes everything look. Your clothes look different on you, you skin and eye colour seem different (I though the red hair made my blue eyes pop, but holy cow so does the brown, right?) etc! 

So anyway, if you're thinking of dying your hair brown, or it's already dyed and you need a touch up: this is a good product. For long hair, I wouldn't recommend it if you want to dye your entire hair with it because it's always safer to go to the salon. Also, you would need at least two boxes of dye and eventually it might end up being just as expensive as a trip to the salon. However, for touch-ups this dye is perfect! 

Last but not least, this hair makes me feel really French. I don't know why.

Au Revoir mes chéris!

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